self purgation

پیشنهاد کاربران

The act of purging oneself of guilt or negative emotions through various methods or rituals. Self - purgation is often seen as a form of self - punishment or atonement.
عمل تزکیه خود از احساس گناه یا احساسات منفی از طریق روش ها یا تشریفات مختلف. تزکیه نفس اغلب به عنوان نوعی تنبیه خود یا کفاره دیده می شود.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

For example, someone might engage in self - purgation by confessing their wrongdoings to a trusted friend or therapist.
A person practicing self - purgation might choose to write down their negative thoughts and then burn the paper as a symbolic act of releasing those feelings.
Another method of self - purgation could be engaging in intense physical exercise to “sweat out” the guilt or negative emotions.

