self inflected

پیشنهاد کاربران

self - inflected
The term "self - inflicted" is used to describe an injury or harm that a person has caused to themselves, either intentionally or unintentionally. It can refer to physical injuries, such as self - inflicted wounds, or to psychological harm, such as self - inflicted emotional distress
[مشاهده متن کامل]

توصیف صدمه یا آسیبی است که شخص عمداً یا ناخواسته به خود وارد کرده است. می تواند به آسیب های فیزیکی، مانند زخم های خودساخته، یا آسیب های روانی، مانند پریشانی عاطفی ناشی از خود اشاره داشته باشد.
He suffered a self - inflicted gunshot wound
The athlete's injury was self - inflicted, as he pushed himself too hard during training
The company suffered financial losses due to self - inflicted mismanagement and poor decision - making
He was experiencing self - inflicted loneliness, as he had pushed away all of his friends with his negative behavior
The artist's career suffered due to self - inflicted scandals and controversies
She was dealing with self - inflicted guilt, as she had made a mistake that caused harm to someone else

خود آسیبی
خود کرده ، کاری که توسط خود شخص انجام میشه
خو کرده
خو کردن
تحمیل کردن
inflicted or caused by oneself
inflicted by oneself upon oneself
done to oneself deliberately
self inflicted is something that you bring upon yourself or cause to have happen to you
self - inflicted pain, problems, illnesses etc are those you have caused yourself
