see you soon

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• i will see you again in the near future, sys

پیشنهاد کاربران

See you soon:
به زودی ( درآِینده نزدیک ) تو را خواهم دید ( زمان ملاقات دقیق مشخص نیست ) ، به امید دیدار ( نزدیک )
This suggests that you expect to see the person in the near future, but the exact time isn't specified. It's often used when you expect to meet again relatively quickly, perhaps within the same day or a few days.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

See you then:
میبینمت یا تو را خواهم دید ( در فلان روز مشخص )
This is used when you have a specific time or event in mind for the next meeting. It implies that there is a known plan or appointment scheduled.
See you later:
به امید دیدار ( اصلا مشخص نیست کی ببینمت ممکنه در آینده نزدیک یا دور )
This is a more general way of saying goodbye, indicating that you will see the person at some point in the future. It doesn't specify how soon or exactly when you will meet again.

شمارا خواهم دید
به زودی میبینمت
