see someone on the side

پیشنهاد کاربران

The query "See someone on the side" typically refers to having a romantic or intimate relationship with someone other than one's partner or spouse. It implies engaging in an affair or being unfaithful by seeing someone secretly or discreetly outside of one's committed relationship.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

داشتن یک رابطه عاشقانه یا صمیمی با شخصی غیر از شریک یا همسر .
این به معنای درگیر شدن در یک رابطه یا خیانت با دیدن شخصی مخفیانه یا محرمانه خارج از رابطه متعهدانه خود است.
“He’s been seeing someone on the side while his wife is away. ”
In a discussion about loyalty, someone might say, “Seeing someone on the side is a form of emotional betrayal. ”
A relationship counselor might ask, “What are your motivations for seeing someone on the side instead of addressing the issues in your current relationship?”

