scorched earth

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• area that is destroyed in order not to leave means of existence for the intruding enemy

پیشنهاد کاربران

👈مترادف: Total destruction, all - out devastation, obliteration
The military used a scorched earth policy during the retreat.
His business strategy was a scorched earth approach to eliminate competition.
زمین سوخته که نوعی خط مشی نظامی در جنگ ها هستش بمعنی نابود کردن تمام زیرساخت های یک منطقه جوری که دیگه امکان سکونت در آن محل برای ساکنان ش وجود نداشته باشه
⭐Scorched earth policy
سیاست زمین سوخته
[مشاهده متن کامل]

- A scorched - earth policy is a military strategy of destroying everything that allows an enemy military force to be able to fight a war, including the deprivation and destruction of water, food, humans, animals, plants and any kind of tools and infrastructure.
- relating to or being a military policy involving deliberate and usually widespread destruction of property and resources ( such as housing and factories ) so that an invading enemy cannot use them
- directed toward victory or supremacy at all costs
SYN: ruthless
💠 Israel is taking scorched earth policy to a new level

زمین سوخته
نابود کردن همه چیز و ردی بر جای نذاشتن.
مثلا وقتی یه ماموری تمام مدارک یه چیزی رو نابود میکنه یعنی یه scorched - earth work انجام داده و هیچ ردی بر جای نذاشته
سوزاندن زمین
