scale back

پیشنهاد کاربران

scale back something ( scale something back ) : to reduce or make the size, degree
or amount of something smaller.
We scaled back on our travel this year now that we have a baby.
You’re going to need to scale back on the amount of salt you consume and increase
[مشاهده متن کامل]

vegetables in your diet.
کاهش دادن
کم کردن
به حداقل رساندن ) سایز، درجه، مقدار چیزی (
متضاد این اصطلاح:
scale up something ( scale something up ) : to increase or make the size, degree or
amount of something larger.
After we hired two more employees, we were able to scale up the number of clients we could
The furniture store scaled up to a larger showroom so they could display more of its products
بالا بردن
زیاد کردن
افزایش دادن ) سایز، درجه، مقدار چیزی (

به حداقل رساندن / کاهش دادن اندازه یا دامنه ی چیزی
کاهش دادن، کم کردن
