sb's gut

پیشنهاد کاربران

a way of deciding what should be done or what is right, that is based on how someone feels rather than thinking about reasons
روشی برای تصمیم گیری برای اینکه چه کاری باید انجام شود یا چه کاری درست است، که بر اساس احساس فرد، به جای فکر کردن به دلایل است
[مشاهده متن کامل]

براساس غریزه
My head said that I should go but my gut said I should stay.
I went with my gut and chose Sarah to lead the team.
He decided to go with his gut and offer Venables the job.
Trust your gut and don't ski when the weather's turning icy.
Her gut told her that there was something wrong with her new classmate.
