
پیشنهاد کاربران

This term refers to a system of government where saints or holy individuals hold the highest positions of power and authority. It implies that the ruling class consists of individuals who are considered to be exceptionally virtuous or spiritually enlightened.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

سیستم حکومتی که در آن قدّیسان یا افراد مقدس بالاترین مناصب قدرت و اقتدار را دارند.
به این معناست که طبقه حاکم متشکل از افرادی است که به طور استثنایی با فضیلت یا از نظر معنوی روشن فکر هستند.
In a sanctocracy, the saints are believed to have a direct connection with the divine and govern the people based on their spiritual guidance.
A conversation about religious traditions might mention, “Some religious sects believe in the establishment of a sanctocracy on earth. ”
Someone discussing the influence of spirituality on governance might say, “A sanctocracy can prioritize moral values and ethical principles in decision - making. ”
