strain after effects

با سعی افراط آمیز و نمایان در موثر سازی چیزی کوشیدن

پیشنهاد کاربران

strain after/for effect
The phrase “strain after/for effect” refers to trying so hard to entertain or create an impact that it appears artificial or forced.
تلاش خیلی سخت برای سرگرم کردن یا ایجاد تأثیری که مصنوعی یا اجباری به نظر برسد.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

I find his style of writing so artificial - he always seems to be straining for effect.
During his stand - up comedy routine, he constantly strained for effect, using exaggerated gestures and over - the - top expressions to get laughs.
The director’s use of dramatic lighting and slow - motion shots in the film felt strained, as if they were trying too hard to create a powerful emotional impact.

