stay on top of

پیشنهاد کاربران

کنترل خود را بر روی کارها حفظ کردن
Save your spot at events and stay on top what's happening next
حفظ کن جایگاهه تو واز اتفاق های بعدی مطلع باش
فراتر از
بالاسر کاری ایستادن، هواس خود را به کاری جمع کردن
مسلط بودن ر وی چیزی، سلطه داشتن
1 ) When you stay on top of something, you follow it closely to make sure that you're up to date. This means that you are fully in control of the situation and can react quickly if something changes. This expression can be used in both personal and professional contexts
[مشاهده متن کامل]

2 ) To remain completely in control of, aware about, or on schedule with something
A: "How is the new project going?" B: "Right on track! Jen has been staying on top of everything while you were on vacation"
E. g. I don't know how you stay on top of all the different student issues that are brought to your attention
3 ) To keep someone organized, on task, or under control
E. g. How Janet manages to stay on top of all eight of those kids is really beyond me
E. g. You've got to stay on top of all your employees if you want your business to run smoothly
4 ) synonyms
keep on top of =
be upstairs =
get on top =
keep abreast =
keep an eye out =
keep pace =
oversee =
stay upstairs =
watch =

در کنترل چیزی بودن، تحت کنترل بودن
To remain completely in control of, aware about, or on schedule with something.
کاملا ( چیزی یا کسی را ) تحت کنترل داشتن
