Run one's mouth🔴 to talk at length without sticking to a topic or getting to a point◀️
There goes Joe, running his mouth again about stuff that doesn't really matter. ⚫ Synonyms for run one's mouth :
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
blather ( on ) , go on, maunder, ramble, rattle, run on
⚫ Words Related to run one's mouth :
, deviate, digress, stray, wander, sidetrack
blab, blabber, blither, bumble, burble, chat, chatter, drivel, drool, gab, gabble, gibber, jabber, patter, prate, prattle, waffle
🔴To talk profusely, especially in an antagonizing way
Don't worry about him. He likes to run his mouth, but he won't do anything.
If she keeps running her mouth at the referee, she's going to be ejected from this game.
Every time I go down to the warehouse, Lonnie is there running his mouth. I don't know how the other guys can stand to hear him talking all day
Coral usually runs their mouth, so when they were quiet it was◀️ obvious