run it out of plant

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase "run it out of plant" means to operate a business or enterprise out of a particular location, usually a factory or manufacturing plant.
This phrase implies that the business is being operated from a specific physical location and is not operating remotely or online.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

راه اندازی یک تجارت یا شرکت خارج از یک مکان خاص، معمولاً یک کارخانه یا تاسیسات تولیدی.
این عبارت نشان می دهد که کسب و کار از یک مکان فیزیکی خاص اداره می شود و از راه دور یا آنلاین کار نمی کند.
"The company runs its manufacturing operation out of a plant in Detroit. "
"They're running their business out of a plant in Shanghai, which gives them access to cheap labor and raw materials. "
