run into a brick wall

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase "run into a brick wall" is a common idiomatic expression that means to encounter an insurmountable obstacle or barrier that prevents progress or advancement. It is often used to describe a situation where someone has reached a point where they are unable to move forward, no matter how hard they try.
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عبارت اصطلاحی رایج
برخورد کردن با مانع یا بازدارنده غیرقابل عبور که از پیشرفت یا توسعه جلوگیری می کند.
اغلب برای توصیف موقعیتی استفاده می شود که در آن شخصی به نقطه ای رسیده است که نمی تواند به جلو حرکت کند، مهم نیست چقدر تلاش می کند.
به در بسته خوردن
For example, in a discussion about problem - solving, someone might say, “I’ve been running into a brick wall trying to find a solution. ”
A person discussing their creative process might say, “Sometimes I hit a mental block and feel like I’m running into a brick wall. ”
In a conversation about overcoming challenges, someone might mention, “Persistence is key when you’re running into a brick wall. Keep trying different approaches. ”
