rub me the wrong way

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Rub me the wrong way" is an idiomatic expression that means to offend, irritate, or annoy someone in some way. It's often used to describe a situation where something or someone has upset or frustrated you, making you feel uncomfortable, angry, or disagreeable.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

توهین کردن، خشمگین کردن یا آزار دادن کسی.
اغلب برای توصیف موقعیتی استفاده می شود که در آن چیزی یا شخصی شما را ناراحت یا ناامید کرده و باعث می شود احساس ناراحتی، عصبانیت یا ناخوشایندی داشته باشید.
"The noise from the construction site really rubs me the wrong way. " ( I'm annoyed by the noise. )
"Your constant joking around rubs me the wrong way when I'm trying to focus. " ( Your humor is distracting me and irritating me. )
"The way he talks down to people really rubs me the wrong way. " ( I find his condescending attitude off - putting. )
