
پیشنهاد کاربران

This slang term is used to refer to someone who is a protector or guardian of roses. The name “Rosamund” is derived from the combination of the name “Rosa” and the Germanic element “mund, ” which means protection.
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اصطلاح عامیانه
اشاره به کسی که محافظ یا نگهبان گل رز است.
نام �رزاموند� از ترکیب نام �رزا� و عنصر آلمانی �mund� به معنای حفاظت گرفته شده است.
I am the Rosamund of this rose garden.
In a fantasy novel, a character might be described as, “The brave Rosamund who defended the enchanted rose. ”
A person complimenting someone’s care for their roses might say, “You are a true Rosamund. ”
