کلمات اختصاری
موضوع: ورزش
RMA مخفف نام باشگاه فوتبال رئال مادرید است. این باشگاه در سال 1902 تاسیس شد و هم اکنون موفق ترین تیم تاریخ اروپا و جهان است و همچنین جایزه بهترین تیم قرن 20 را از آن خود کرده است.
پیشنهاد کاربران
دانشگاه افسری پادشاهی
Return Material Authorisation
:Return Merchandise Authorization
Basically returning a product that is broken
( RMA ) , return authorization ( RA ) or return goods authorization ( RGA ) is a part of the process of returning a product in order to receive a refund, replacement, or repair during the product's warranty period. The purchaser of the product must contact the manufacturer ( or distributor or retailer ) to obtain authorization to return the product. The resulting RMA or RGA number must be displayed on or included in the returned product's packaging; [1] no returns are accepted without this number.
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Return to vendor ( RTV ) refers to the process where goods are returned to the original vendor as opposed to the seller.
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