ripe old age

پیشنهاد کاربران

خیلی پیر ( مخصوصا وقتی در شرایط جسمانی خوبیه )
My grandparents both lived to a ripe old age
( معمولا با کنابه و به طنز و شوخی ) وقتی کسی در اعوان خیلی جوانی کار بزرگی انجام میده استفاده میشه
She was picked as the president of the company at the ripe old age of twenty - nine
سگ جون
She drinks like a fish , smoks like a chimney but she's living to a ripe old
خوب زندگی کردن در سن پیری معمولا با to live میاد
Meaning: living well into old age, usually used in the phrase to live to a ripe old age

:ripe ( old ) age
sometimes used humorously to show that you find it surprising or impressive that someone is doing sth or has achieved sth at a very young age
an age advanced in years
a very old age
