rinky dink

(امریکا - خودمانی) بنجل، قراضه، به درد نخور، رنگ و رو رفته

پیشنهاد کاربران

adjective US informal
having little importance or influence, or old - fashioned or of poor quality
"Rinky - dink" is an informal term used to describe something that is worn out, cheap, or insignificant. It can also refer to cheating someone. The phrase originated in the United States around the turn of the 20th century. The adjectival meaning of "rinky - dink" as "cheap and tacky" and the verb meaning "to cheat" both emerged during that time
[مشاهده متن کامل]

صفت، انگلیسی امریکایی، غیر رسمی
دارای اهمیت یا تأثیر کم، یا قدیمی یا بی کیفیت
"Rinky - dink" یک اصطلاح غیررسمی است برای توصیف چیزی که فرسوده، ارزان یا بی اهمیت است. همچنین می تواند به فریب دادن کسی اشاره کند. این عبارت در اواخر قرن بیستم در ایالات متحده ابداع شد.
Their family business is a rinky - dink operation.
The old rinky - dink car barely made it up the hill.
I wouldn't trust that rinky - dink website; it looks unreliable.
He tried to sell me a rinky - dink watch that stopped working after a week.

منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/rinky-dink• https://www.dictionary.com/browse/rinky-dink
