right leaning

پیشنهاد کاربران

Right - leaning is a term used to describe someone who has conservative political beliefs or tendencies. It indicates a preference for policies and positions that align with the Republican Party.
توصیف کسی که عقاید یا گرایش های سیاسی محافظه کارانه دارد.
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این نشان دهنده ترجیح سیاست ها و مواضع همسو با حزب جمهوری خواه امریکا است.
Are you left - leaning or right - leaning on this issue?
A political commentator might describe a candidate as “a right - leaning conservative with a strong focus on fiscal responsibility. ”
In a discussion about voting patterns, someone might say, “Rural areas tend to be more right - leaning than urban areas. ”

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