ride or die

پیشنهاد کاربران

Meaning: Emphasizing someone’s loyalty and commitment as a friend who will stick around through thick and thin
In a Sentence: Facing legal troubles, Chris knew he could count on Jake, his ride or die friend, to support him unconditionally
نهایت باوفایی بطوری که در سختی ها و خوشی های زندگی کنار کسی موندن .
This phrase is used to describe someone who is extremely loyal and committed, especially in a romantic relationship or friendship. It implies that the person is willing to stick by someone’s side no matter what.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

شخصی که بسیار وفادار و متعهد است.
به این معنی که شخص حاضر است بدون توجه به هر چیزی در کنار کسی بماند.
She’s my ride or die, we’ve been through everything together.
A person might say, “I need a ride or die friend who will always have my back. ”
Someone might comment, “I’m ride or die for my favorite sports team, win or lose. ”

منابع• https://fluentslang.com/slang-for-values/
رفیق جون جونی
رفیق همیشگی - رفیق و صریک و پارنتری که رفیق نیمه راه نیست
Ride or die is a term used to describe a person ( usually a woman ) that is willing to do anything for their partner, friend, or family, even in the face of danger.
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