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📋 در زبان انگلیسی یک prefix داریم به اسم retro
📌 این پیشوند، معادل "backwards" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این پیشوند را در خود داشته باشند، به "backwards" مربوط هستند.
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📂 مثال:
🔘 retroactive: applying to events that happened in the past, going ‘backwards’ in time
🔘 retrofit: to add new features or technology to something that is older, modifying it ‘backwards’
🔘 retrograde: moving ‘backwards’ or returning to a previous state
🔘 retrospective: looking back at past events or situations
🔘 retrovirus: a type of virus that operates by transcribing its RNA into DNA, which ‘reverses’ or moves ‘backwards’ in the genetic sequence
🔘 retrospect: the act of looking back on or thinking about the past
🔘 retroactive: having an effect from a time in the past
🔘 retrocession: the act of giving something ‘backwards’ or returning it to its previous owner
🔘 retrospective: looking back at or reflecting on past events, typically with analysis
🔘 retrograde: moving in the ‘backwards’ direction or regressing in progress
✨ از مجموعه لغات GRE ✨
✍ توضیح: To move backward or decline 📉
🔍 مترادف: Regress
✅ مثال: The country began to retrograde after years of economic progress
پس رفتن - معکوس شدن/کردن - وارونه شدن/کردن
[رِت رُ گِرِیْد]
:Meaningmoving in a direction opposite the usual direction:SYNmove backward Everything You Need to Know About Semen Retention
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
. . .
?How is it done
You can abstain from sex or you can learn to have an orgasm without ejaculating
It takes a lot of muscle control, so get in the habit of doing Kegel exercises. Flexing your pelvic muscles just before ejaculation is key
:The Mayo Clinic offers these exercise techniques
Locate your pelvic floor muscles. Stop urinating midstream or tighten the muscles that keep you from passing gas. Now you have a sense of where those muscles are
You can do these exercises while lying down, sitting, standing, or even walking
Contract your pelvic floor muscles. Hold for three seconds, then relax for three seconds
Focus on contracting your pelvic floor muscles only. Keep the muscles in your buttocks, thighs, and abdomen relaxed. Breathe freely.
Do this in sets of 10, at least 3 times a day, to build muscle control.
During vaginal, anal, or oral sex, you’ll need to maintain control over your muscles. UKaskmen. com offers these suggestions:
Let go of tension in the jaw, buttocks, and legs. Learn to relax and avoid an excess build - up of energy in the pelvis
As orgasm approaches, take long, deep breaths. Try holding perfectly still for a few moments to calm your body. Put your attention on the other person
According to Brojo. org, at this point you can apply pressure on the area between the anus and scrotum ( perineum ) . This can cause retrograde ejaculation, a process that sends ejaculate into the bladder instead of out the penis. It doesn’t stop the orgasm
According to Brojo. org, at this point you can apply pressure on the area between the anus and scrotum ( perineum ) . ⭐This can cause retrograde ejaculation⭐, a process that sends ejaculate into the bladder instead of out the penis. It doesn’t stop the orgasm
◀️ توضیح و تفسیر انگلیسی: going backwards
پس پسکی . [ پ َ پ َ س َ ] ( حامص مرکب ) قهقرا. عقب . - پس پسکی رفتن ؛ پس پایگی رفتن . پس پا شدن . سپسایگی رفتن . ( منتهی الارب در لغت نکص ) . نکص . نکوص . مَنکص .
[پزشکی] پس گستر: آنچه به طرف عقب برمی گردد
adjective / formal
returning to older and worse conditions, methods, ideas, etc
صفت، رسمی
ارتجاعی، واپسگرایی
He said it would be a retrograde step to remove single parent benefits
The proposal is miserably retrograde
واترقیدن. [ ت َ رَق ْقی دَ ] ( مص مرکب ) مصدر جعلی از ترقی. تنزل کردن ترقی معکوس کردن. به صورت مثل گفته میشود :
هر که بینی ترقیی دارد
من بیچاره واترقیدم.
( از فرهنگ نظام ) .
پس نورد
retrograde ( فیزیک، نجوم )
مدار پادگَرد
مداری که در آن جهت حرکت جسم مداری ناهمسو با جهت چرخش جسم مرکزی است ( فرهنگستان )
adjective[more retrograde; most retrograde]1 formal : returning to an earlier and usually worse state or conditiona retrograde policy that would leave more people poorer than◀️ they are now
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
2 technical : moving backward
◀️retrograde motion
◀️Retrograde thoughts : تفکرات واپس گرا
◀️ Mercury is in everglades عطارد/جیوه واقع در اورگلیدزه
It's retrograde, Leo : اون وارونه است لئو ( اشاره به املای کلمه )
🚨 Retrograde و Renegade ممکنه اشتباه گرفته شوند
retrograde ( موسیقی )
واژه مصوب: قرینۀ افقی
تعریف: تصویر آینهایِ یک لحن نسبت به محور قائم==retrograde ( فیزیک ) ==
پس گستر
رو به عقب،
رو به پسرفت
📌Closing the factory would be a retrograde step
📌Well, the way your lead character ( in the book )
views women. . . It's so retrograde. It's so shallow
directed or moving backwards
در حال پسرفت
رو به پسرفت
رو به عقب افتادگی
رو به عقب حرکت کننده
رو به عقب
( که به سوی عقب افتادگی حرکت میکند )
A regrogate civilization . . .
retrograde amnesia
_{عصب شناسی ) _ فراموشی نزولی. نسیان قهقرایی.
پس گرا ، پس رَوَند
نیاز به جراحی
[پزشکی] :به طرف عقب، برعکس
مشاهده ادامه پیشنهادها (١٠ از ٢٠)