recess duty

پیشنهاد کاربران

Recess duty refers to the responsibility of supervising students during their break time or recess. It is often assigned to teachers or other staff members to ensure the safety and well - being of the students.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

مسئولیت نظارت بر دانش آموزان در زمان استراحت یا تعطیلات.
اغلب برای اطمینان از ایمنی و رفاه دانش آموزان، این مسئولیت به معلمان یا سایر کارکنان اختصاص داده می شود.
I have recess duty today, so I’ll be outside with the students.
In a discussion about school routines, someone might mention, “Teachers take turns on recess duty to give each other a break. ”
A parent might volunteer for recess duty, saying, “I enjoy spending time with the kids during their break. ”
