read someone in

پیشنهاد کاربران

انتصاب یک ( دین - یار ) در یک بافتار کلیسایی با عایدات خَلَفی. . . The Anglican Church. . .
It is time to read the priest in
The phrase "read someone in" typically refers to the act of providing someone with information or access to confidential or classified information. It is often used in the context of government or military operations, where individuals may need to be briefed on sensitive information before they are able to participate in certain activities
[مشاهده متن کامل]

معمولاً به عمل ارائه اطلاعات یا دسترسی به اطلاعات محرمانه یا طبقه بندی شده اشاره دارد. اغلب در زمینه عملیات دولتی یا نظامی استفاده می شود، جایی که ممکن است افراد نیاز داشته باشند در مورد اطلاعات حساس قبل از اینکه بتوانند در فعالیت های خاص شرکت کنند، توجیه شوند.
Before we can discuss the operation, we need to read you in on the classified details
The new team member needs to be read in on our company's proprietary software before they can start working on the project
I had to be read in on the security protocols before I was allowed to enter the high - security area
The diplomat was read in on the sensitive negotiations before he was able to participate in the discussions
The scientist was read in on the top - secret research project before she was allowed to work on it
The journalist was read in on the background of the story before she was able to write an accurate report
The lawyer was read in on the confidential details of the case before he could provide legal advice to his client
"The new hire was read in on the company's policies before they could start working in the office

