
پیشنهاد کاربران

*The title of the twelfth Shia Imam; the Imam qā'em
Qā'im ( قائم ) is a term in Islamic eschatology that refers to a messianic figure who will arise in the end times to establish justice and rid the world of tyranny and oppression. In Shia Islam, the Qā'im is believed to be the twelfth Imam, known as Imam al - Mahdi, who is in occultation and will reappear as the promised savior. Muslims believe that Imam al - Mahdi will bring about a period of peace, justice, and harmony before the Day of Judgment. The concept of the Qā'im is central to Shia belief in the return of the Imam to establish divine justice on Earth.
[مشاهده متن کامل]
