
انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• supposedly, presumedly, assumedly

پیشنهاد کاربران

At the point of transition between two different states or phases; about to experience a significant change or event.
در نقطه انتقال بین دو حالت یا مرحله متفاوت؛ در شرف تجربه یک تغییر یا رویداد مهم.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

در آستانه
مترادف: On the verge, on the brink, at the threshold
متضاد: Settled, stable
“She’s on the cusp of becoming a famous singer with her latest album. ”
In a discussion about technological advancements, someone might say, “We’re on the cusp of a major breakthrough in artificial intelligence. ”
A person might proudly state, “I’m on the cusp of graduating college, and I can’t wait to start my career. ”

به طور فرضی؛ به طور کلی فرض می شود یا معروف است که؛ فرض می شود که درست است بدون دلیل قطعی.
به طور ادعایی، به طور ظاهری
مترادف: Allegedly, purportedly, ostensibly
متضاد: Definitely, certainly, proven
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“The putatively haunted house has attracted many curious visitors. ”
In a scientific discussion, one might say, “The putatively new species of insect has yet to be officially classified. ”
A news headline might read, “The putatively safe product is now under investigation. ”

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