put yourself together

پیشنهاد کاربران

“Put yourself together” is an idiomatic expression that means to regain control of one’s emotions or composure. It is often used to encourage someone who is upset or disorganized to calm down and focus on the task at hand. The phrase can also be used to refer to physical appearance, such as fixing one’s hair or clothing.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

یک عبارت اصطلاحی است که به معنای بازیابی کردن/ دوباره به دست گرفتن کنترل احساسات یا آرامش است. اغلب برای تشویق کسی که ناراحت یا به هم ریخته است به آرام شدن و تمرکز روی کار مورد نظر. این عبارت همچنین می تواند برای اشاره به ظاهر ظاهری مانند اصلاح مو یا لباس استفاده شود.
After the breakup, it took her a while to put herself together and move on.
I know you’re nervous, but you need to put yourself together before the interview.
She was so upset that she couldn’t put herself together enough to speak.
He was a mess after the accident, but he managed to put himself together and get back to work.
I’m sorry, I can’t talk right now. I need to put myself together before the meeting.

put yourself together
منابع• https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/put-or-pull-yourself-together.136704/
control your emotions :مترادفش مشه خودته جمع جور کن
خودتو جمع و جور کن
