put yourself in the shoes

پیشنهاد کاربران

imagine yourself in someone else's situation
How to Memorize
put yourself in somebody's shoes for a moment
When you 'put yourself in somebody's shoes' it means to put yourself in someone else's position or to examine a situation from someone else's point of view, usually in order to better understand or empathize with them. This is a popular idiom used in both professional and social contexts.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Social Examples ( Basic )
I know you're annoyed at Gary over what happened, but put yourself in his shoes for a moment and think of how he must be feeling.
Put yourself in my shoes for a moment - what would you do about the situation I'm in?
You should always put yourself in somebody else's shoes before making any fixed judgments about their actions.
Professional Examples ( Basic )
Sarah's ability to put herself in the shoes of the customer is what makes her such a great salesperson.
Customer success is all about putting yourself in the clients' shoes and anticipating what their problems and pain points might be.

از دید آنها به دنیا نگاه کردن
قرار گرفتن در موقعیت دیگران برای درک بهتر آنها
imagine another person's point of view
نگاه به موقعیت از زاویه دید متفاوت
پا تو کفش کسی کردن
خود را جای کسی گذاشتن
