an event or situation that is secretly arranged or planned to deceive people, making them believe it is genuine when it is not. ✍️ یک طرح یا رویداد که به طور مخفیانه برای فریب یا گول زدن کسی ترتیب داده شده است. این اصطلاح معمولاً در زمینه های غیررسمی استفاده می شود و بار معنایی منفی دارد.
... [مشاهده متن کامل]
✍️✍️یک نقشه یا برنامه از پیش تعیین شده که هدف آن فریب دیگران است.
Staged event
Set - up
Many people suspected that the robbery was a put - up job to collect insurance money.
The debate was criticized as a put - up job, with the questions prearranged to favor one candidate.
It turned out that the dramatic rescue was a put - up job organized for publicity.