put the world to rights

پیشنهاد کاربران

( also set the world to rights )
to have a conversation in which you talk about many different things, for example how to solve society's problems / If you have a conversation ( usually a relaxed chat with a friend ) about how the world’s problems could be solved, you might say you put or set the world to rights
[مشاهده متن کامل]

داشتن مکالمه ای که در آن در مورد چیزهای مختلف صحبت کردن، به عنوان مثال نحوه حل مشکلات جامعه
اگر مکالمه ای ( معمولاً یک گپ آرام با یک دوست ) در مورد چگونگی حل مشکلات جهان دارید، ممکن است بگویید که put or set the world to rights
When we were students we used to stay up late putting the world to rights.
There are certain bars where artists and writers are always to be seen, talking animatedly as they set the world to rights.
Ethan and I always end up putting the world to rights.

منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/put-the-world-to-rights
