put off doing sth

پیشنهاد کاربران

arrange to do something at a later date, especially because you do not want to do it
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“Put off doing something” is a phrasal verb that means to delay or postpone an event or activity until a later time or date.
یک فعل عبارتی است به معنای به تاخیر انداختن یا به تعویق انداختن یک رویداد یا فعالیت به زمان یا تاریخ بعدی.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“I’ve been putting off cleaning my room all week”
“I’m going to put off my dentist appointment until next month”
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It can also mean to discourage someone from doing something, or to make someone dislike something or someone
کسی را از انجام کاری دلسرد کردن، یا کاری کنید که کسی از چیزی یا کسی خوشش نیاید.
“The smell of hospitals always puts me off. ”
“His attitude put me right off him”

منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/put-off• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/essential-american-english/put-something-off
به تاخیر انداختن
تا لحظه اخرب تأخیر انداختن
