put a sock in it

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase has its roots in the early 20th century, when it was used by musicians to indicate that someone should insert a sock or cloth into their instrument to make it quieter during a performance. This expression is now used to refer to any situation where someone needs to be quieter or stop making noise
[مشاهده متن کامل]

برای اینکه صدای سازهای موسیقی کمتر شود جوراب داخل آن می گذاشته اند

Put a sock in it: ( informal )
used to tell someone in a joking way to stop talking or making a noise.
مثلا در زبان فارسی می گن: ببند گالە رو!
در زبان کوردی می گن: زارت دۆڵمی٘کی تی٘خە!
I’ve had enough of your complaining. Put a sock in it.
A person might say, “The baby won’t stop crying. I wish he would just put a sock in it. ”
In a conversation about a noisy neighbor, someone might say, “I had to go over and ask them to put a sock in it. Their music was too loud. ”
[مشاهده متن کامل]

Shut up
خفه شو
دهنتو ببند
خفه شو
گل بگیرن دهنتونو ، ببندین دیگه ساکت باشین
it is used to tell noisy person or a group to be quiet
some how synonymous to , please shut up! . . . . . cut the crap
ساکت باش
دهنتو ببند!
