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Push yourself : بیشتر تلاش کن ( push yourself harder هم میگن )
Push your limits :
It means trying to do a little more than what's allowed, without suffering consequence
🌠 It literally means to ‘PUSH YOUR LIMITS’ .
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In this context i will give a very small example.
Lets say you want to reach some place urgently , which is a bit far from your place. But you dont have enough money to hire a cab or dont have any vehicle. Here your
Goal is : to reach at some place.
Limitation is: no money or vehicle.
So how you push your limits to reach where you want to go?
You just start walking towards your goal on foot. Slowly you reach at your destination.
So you pushed your limitation to reach your goal. Similarly in life, whatever you want to do, there will be limitations pouring in at each step. Just push your limitations and no matter what , keep moving towards your goal.
🌠 TO go beyond your comfort zone.
Suppose you run two miles everyday. You reach a point when if feels effortless, takes fewer minutes, and your shin doesn't hurt as much. At that point, you can either decide to continue running only two miles forever, or you could “push your limits”, and attempt four miles, and take it up from there. Push your limits would also mean quitting a steady comfortable job near your home, to take up more challenging jobs for a better role and better pay. Or, to study extra course material, beyond textbooks, before an important exam, while cutting back on sleep and other activities and getting the best grades in class. Or to take the same old cookie recipe and decorate the bajeesus out of it.
🌠 To understand, what “Push your limits” is,
You need to have a schedule for seven days a week.
You need to know, what you do each day of the week.
Once you know, what to do, try to get better with it, with each passing day.
Once you start practicing the above things, in your life, you will understand, what it means to “push your limits. ”
این عبارت یعنی : سعی کن دیرتر بگی نمیتونم - آستانه درد و سخت کوشیت را بالاتر ببر ( این کافی نیست ) - قوی تر شو - محدودیت هاتو کنار بزن - بیشتر تلاش کن - لغت نامه تو عوض کن
در نهایت داره میگه از اینی که داری نشون میدی قوی تر و پرتلاش تر باش
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این عبارت یعنی : سعی کن دیرتر بگی نمیتونم - آستانه درد و سخت کوشیت را بالاتر ببر ( این کافی نیست ) - قوی تر شو - محدودیت هاتو کنار بزن - بیشتر تلاش کن - لغت نامه تو عوض کن
در نهایت داره میگه از اینی که داری نشون میدی قوی تر و پرتلاش تر باش