purple wave

پیشنهاد کاربران

Purple Wave is a slang term for a type of synthetic party drug that contains synthetic cathinones. These drugs are often sold as bath salts or plant food and are known for their stimulating and hallucinogenic effects. Purple Wave is typically ingested orally, inhaled, or injected.
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اصطلاح عامیانه
یک نوع مواد پارتی صناعی که حاوی کاتیونون های مصنوعی است. این مواد اغلب به عنوان نمک حمام یا غذای گیاهی فروخته می شوند و به دلیل اثرات محرک و توهم زا شناخته شده اند. موج بنفش معمولاً به صورت خوراکی، استنشاقی یا تزریقی مصرف می شود.
I took some Purple Wave at a music festival and had an incredible sensory experience.
A warning label on a package of bath salts might state, “Not for human consumption. Contains Purple Wave. ”
A medical professional might explain, “The use of synthetic party drugs like Purple Wave can lead to severe health complications. ”
