pull it out of your ass

پیشنهاد کاربران

You talk too much, I'll come from behind, I'll arrange you, dry ass
از کون/باسن چیزی را در آوردن ( این یه اصطلاحه که تو فارسی هم زیاد شنیده میشه که از کونت درآوردی؟ ) یعنی یه داستان من درآوردی ساختن یا زمانی گفته میشه که فرد نمیدونه داره چیکار میکنه و چی میگه
◀️ Every time i talk about boxing, a whit man pulls Rocky Marciano out his ass. Let me tell you something. Rocky Marciano was good, but compared to Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano ain't shit : هر دفعه که حرف از بوکس میزنم یه مرد سفید راکی مارسیانو رو از کونش درمیاره. بزار به چیزی بهت بگم. راکی مارسیانو خوب بود ولی در مقایسه به جو لوئیس هیچ گهی نبود ( نیست )
[مشاهده متن کامل]

توضیحات واژه نامه ها
🌠 Pull it out of my ass
When you have no time, are unprepared, or don't know what you're doing. . . You're pulling it out of your ass. Commonly used in situations where a person may have procrastinated or waited until the last minute to prepare anything, or is put in position where they must perform or answer questions on things they have no idea about.
My boss just came and asked me for a summary of customer info and I had to pull it out of my ass.
🌠🌠 pull that out of my ass
Verb. To make up a completely untruthful story. To invent a story. To tell an untruthful story. To construct a story out of lies. To lie.
"Mark is such a liar, he told me a story how has to take care of his sick grandma last weekend, he totally pull that out of his ass!"
"I've told my girlfriend that I'm from France and I'm here on a student visa, I totally pull that out of my ass, I haven't even been to France. "
🌠🌠🌠 Pulling shit out of my ass
When someone is making up a bunch of bull shit right on the spot. Usually done when the person has no idea what they are talking about.
"Who stole my ipod???"
"I don't know maybe some leprechaun, came in the middle of the night and then pranced down the street singing I stole your ipod!"
"Dude i'm just pulling shit out of my ass, if you wait a little bit i'll get you a bigger pile. . . "
