
پیشنهاد کاربران

Given expectations of fidelity, the costs of infidelity are
potentially high for the individuals involved, the relation -
ship, and offspring. Infidelity is reliably associated with
poorer mental health particularly depression/anxiety and
[مشاهده متن کامل]

PTSD [9], and relationship dissolution/divorce [10, 11]
which has been shown to adversely impact offspring [12].
Indeed, across 160 societies infidelity is the single most
common cause of marital dissolution [13]. Infidelity has
also been causally linked to domestic violence [14, 15].
Importantly, low rates of condom use with secondary
partners leads to direct risk of exposure to sexual trans -
mitted infections [16] and places the primary partner at
indirect exposure to sexually transmitted diseases; the
majority of women who acquire HIV are infected by their
primary partners [17]. Thus infidelity is also a significant
public health problem [18]. Possibly because of its high
costs, numerous attempts have been made to identify
factors that predict infidelity as knowing who is at greatest
risk will inform prevention [
