prostitute yourself

پیشنهاد کاربران

to have sex for money
تن فروشی کردن
The term "prostitute yourself" is used to describe the act of offering oneself for sex in exchange for money, or to do something that is below one's level of skill or ability in order to make money
[مشاهده متن کامل]

در ازای پول، تن فروشی کردن یا انجام کاری که کمتر از سطح مهارت یا توانایی فرد است به منظور پول درآوردن
She was forced to prostitute herself in order to survive.
He felt that taking the job would mean he'd have to prostitute himself.
The artist refused to prostitute his talent for commercial gain.
Many individuals are forced to prostitute themselves due to economic hardship.

prostitute yourself
