procrastination station

پیشنهاد کاربران

The term “procrastination station” refers to a state or situation in which someone is actively avoiding or delaying their work or responsibilities. It implies that the person is easily distracted and finds it difficult to focus on their tasks.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

حالت یا موقعیتی که در آن شخصی عملاً از کار یا مسئولیت خود اجتناب می کند یا آن را به تعویق می اندازد.
این نشان می دهد که فرد به راحتی حواسش پرت می شود و تمرکز بر روی وظایفش برای او مشکل است.
For instance, a student might say, “I can’t seem to get anything done today, I’m stuck at the procrastination station. ”
Another student might joke, “Welcome to the procrastination station, where productivity goes to die. ”
A friend might sympathize, “I know how it feels to be at the procrastination station, it’s hard to stay motivated sometimes. ”
