prick of thumbs

پیشنهاد کاربران

"Prick of thumbs" is a phrase that comes from the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. In the play, the witches say "By the prick of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes, " which means that they are sensing the presence of something evil or dangerous.
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The phrase "prick of thumbs" is often used to refer to a feeling or intuition that something bad is about to happen.
عبارتی که از نمایشنامه مکبث نوشته ویلیام شکسپیر . در نمایشنامه، جادوگران می گویند: �By the prick of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes, �، به این معنی که حضور یک چیز بد یا خطرناک را حس کردن.
این عبارت اغلب برای اشاره به احساس یا شهودی است که می گوید اتفاق بدی در شرف وقوع است.
"I felt the prick of thumbs when I entered the abandoned house. "
"When I saw the look in his eyes, I had the prick of thumbs that he was up to no good. "
"As the clouds darkened and the wind began to howl, she felt the prick of thumbs and knew something terrible was about to happen. "
