prey on somebody's mind

پیشنهاد کاربران

To prey on somebody's mind is a idiomatic expression that means to exploit, manipulate, or take advantage of someone's thoughts, emotions, or vulnerabilities for one's own gain or advantage. It often implies using psychological tactics, persuasion, or coercion to influence someone's decisions or actions.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

بهره برداری، دستکاری، یا سوء استفاده کردن از افکار، احساسات، یا آسیب پذیری های یک فرد برای منفعت یا منافع شخصی است.
این اغلب مستلزم استفاده از تاکتیک های روان شناختی، متقاعد کردن یا اجبار برای تأثیرگذاری بر تصمیم ها یا اقدامات دیگران است.
The salesperson preys on the customer's fear of missing out on a limited - time offer to convince them to buy the product.
The politician preys on the public's fear of terrorism to justify stricter security measures and increase their popularity.
The telemarketer preys on the elderly person's sense of loneliness and isolation to sell them an unnecessary subscription service.

ذهن و فکر کسی را مشغول کردن
مثال: The upcoming exam has been preying on my mind, making it difficult to focus on anything else.
