
بررسی کلمه

صفت ( adjective )
• : تعریف: combined form of graduation.

پیشنهاد کاربران

📋 دوستان در زبان انگلیسی یک prefix داریم به اسم post
📌 این پیشوند، معادل "after" می باشد؛ بنابراین کلماتی که این پیشوند را در خود داشته باشند، به "after" مربوط هستند.
📂 مثال:
🔘 postpone: To delay until after a later time
[مشاهده متن کامل]

🔘 postscript: An additional message added after the main body of a letter ( often abbreviated as “P. S. ” )
🔘 postmortem: Occurring or performed after death ( also used for an examination after an event )
🔘 postwar: Occurring or existing after a war
🔘 postmodern: Relating to a style or movement that comes after modernism
🔘 postdate: To assign a date later than the actual date ( for example, on a check )
🔘 postmark: A stamp or mark applied to mail to show the date and place of mailing
🔘 postgraduate: Relating to studies undertaken after earning a first ( undergraduate ) degree
🔘 postnatal: Occurring after birth
🔘 postoperative: Relating to the period after a surgical operation
🔘 postseason: The period of sports competition that comes after the regular season ( often referring to playoffs )
🔘 postpartum: Occurring after childbirth
🔘 posthaste: With great speed; immediately ( an adverbial form meaning “after haste” )
🔘 posthumous: Occurring or published after someone’s death
🔘 postbellum: Relating to the period after a war ( commonly used regarding the American Civil War )
