poor man's lamb

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• last expensive or luxurious possession that a man has left

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase “poor man’s lamb” is a metaphor for something that is very precious and dear to a poor person, but is taken away by a rich or powerful person who does not care about the poor person’s feelings. It comes from a story in the Bible, where the prophet Nathan tells King David a parable about a rich man who steals a poor man’s lamb to feed his guest, instead of using his own sheep
[مشاهده متن کامل]

عبارتی استعاره ای است از چیزی که برای یک فقیر بسیار گرانبها و عزیز است، اما توسط شخص ثروتمند یا قدرتمندی که به احساسات فرد فقیر اهمیتی نمی دهد، دزدیده می شود. این از داستانی در کتاب مقدس آمده است، جایی که ناتان نبی به پادشاه داوود مَثَلی درباره مرد ثروتمندی می گوید که به جای استفاده از گوسفند خود، بره فقیری را می دزدد تا مهمانش را سیر کند.
The land was the poor man’s lamb, but the greedy corporation seized it by force and left them homeless.
He cherished his old guitar like a poor man’s lamb, but it was stolen by a burglar who sold it for a few dollars.
She felt like her dignity was the poor man’s lamb, when the rich man exploited her and then discarded her.

منابع• https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/68505/did-david-overreact-to-the-theft-of-the-poor-mans-lamb-in-2-samuel-125-6• https://biblehub.com/sermons/auth/dale/the_parable_of_the_rich_oppressor_or_the_poor_man's_lamb.htm
