politi speak

پیشنهاد کاربران

This term refers to the language and vocabulary used by politicians and political insiders that may be difficult for the general public to understand. It often includes buzzwords, euphemisms, and complex terminology.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

زبان و واژگانی که سیاستمداران و خودی های سیاسی استفاده می کنند و درک آن برای عموم مردم ممکن است دشوار باشد.
این اغلب شامل کلمات کلیدی، نیک واژه ها و واژگان پیچیده است.
For example, a news article might criticize a politician for using too much politi - speak in their speech.
During a political debate, one candidate might accuse the other of using politi - speak to avoid answering a question.
A political commentator might explain, “Politi - speak is often used to obscure the true meaning of a politician’s statements. ”
