plunging currency

پیشنهاد کاربران

A significant and rapid decline in the value of a country's currency relative to other currencies.
✍️سقوط ارزش ارز ( عبارت اسمی ) : کاهش قابل توجه و سریع ارزش پول یک کشور نسبت به ارزهای دیگر.
✍️✍️نماد ناپایداری اقتصادی و یک بحران بالقوه در سیستم مالی است
[مشاهده متن کامل]

👈مترادف: Currency Depreciation, Declining Currency, Falling Currency
The political unrest led to a plunging currency, affecting the country's economy severely.
Investors began to sell off their assets due to the plunging currency.
The central bank intervened to stabilize the plunging currency by increasing interest rates.
