The phrase "play your angle" means to use your particular position or perspective to your advantage or to achieve your goals. It implies that you should utilize your personal strengths, skills, and knowledge to gain an advantage over others or to succeed in a particular situation.
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از موقعیت یا دیدگاه خاص خود به نفع خود یا برای رسیدن به اهداف خود استفاده کنید. به این معنی است که شما باید از توانایی ها، مهارت ها و دانش شخصی خود برای کسب برتری نسبت به دیگران یا موفقیت در یک موقعیت خاص استفاده کنید.
1. As a politician, you need to play your angle wisely by addressing the concerns of the voters and presenting policies that align with their values.
2. In the game of chess, players often play their angle by using their specific strategy to outsmart their opponents, depending on the type of attack or defense moves they make.
3. As a businessman, you need to play your angle by identifying the unique selling point of your product or service to make it more appealing to the customers and gain a competitive edge over the rivals.
4. During a job interview, you can play your angle by highlighting your skills and accomplishments to impress the interviewer and land the job.