play away

پیشنهاد کاربران

The phrase "play away" is commonly used to describe someone who is having an affair outside of their committed relationship or marriage. It signifies engaging in sexual relations with someone who is not one's partner or spouse, indicating unfaithfulness or infidelity.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

خارج از رابطه متعهدانه یا ازدواج خود دارای رابطه نامشروع بودن. این به معنای برقراری رابطه جنسی با کسی است که شریک یا همسر او نیست، که نشان دهنده خیانت یا خیانت است.
Despite being married for ten years, she discovered her husband was playing away with a colleague from work.
The scandal rocked the political world when it was revealed that the senator had been playing away with a lobbyist.
Their relationship fell apart when he confessed to playing away with an old flame from college

