pick up artist

پیشنهاد کاربران

Pick - up artist
This term refers to individuals, usually men, who employ various techniques and strategies to attract and engage with potential sexual partners, often with a focus on short - term or casual relationships.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

افرادی که، معمولاً مردان، از تکنیک ها و استراتژی های مختلفی برای جذب و تعامل با شرکای جنسی بالقوه استفاده می کنند که اغلب با تمرکز بر روابط کوتاه مدت یا گاه به گاه انجام می شود.
He attended a pick - up artist workshop to improve his dating skills.
In a discussion about consent, someone might say, “Pick - up artist tactics often disregard boundaries and consent. ”
An article might explore, “The controversial nature of pick - up artist culture and its impact on dating dynamics. ”
