people who live in a glass houses shouldn't throw stones

پیشنهاد کاربران

✍ Definition: Those who have flaws or weaknesses should not criticize others for the same things. 🪞
✅ Example: John was quick to criticize his colleague's performance, but he should remember that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones, as his own work wasn't perfect either.
آسه بیا
آسه برو
که گربه شاخت نزنه!
کسی که خودش یه مشکلی داره بقیه رو بخاطر اون مشکل قضاوت نمی کنه
# معتاد به معتاد نمیگه سیگار نکش.
You always sleep late , and you tell me that I should sleep earlier than every one??? Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
دیگ به دیگ میگه روت سیاه
مردم نباید مردم دیگر را به خاطر نقصی که خودشان هم دارند انتقاد کنند ، رطب خورده منع رطب کی کند
