pay forward

پیشنهاد کاربران

To pay forward means to respond to a kindness or favor by doing something kind for someone else, rather than repaying the original person. It involves passing on the good deed to create a chain of positive actions.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

پاسخ دادن به محبت یا لطف کسی با انجام کاری محبت آمیز برای دیگری ( البته مستقیماً نه آن کسی که به شما محبت کرده است )
این شامل انتقال عمل خیر برای ایجاد زنجیره ای از اقدامات مثبت است.
For example, if someone pays for your coffee, you might pay forward the kindness by buying coffee for the person behind you.
A person might say, “I want to pay forward the support I received when I was going through a tough time. ”
In a community, individuals might pay forward acts of charity and goodwill to help those in need.
