
جمله های نمونه

1. malekshah pardoned the prisoners
ملکشاه زندانیان را بخشید.

2. the almighty pardoned him
خداوند از سر تقصیر او گذشت.

انگلیسی به انگلیسی

• has been forgiven; has been absolved

پیشنهاد کاربران

When someone is pardoned, it means that their punishment for a crime is completely forgiven. They are granted clemency and are no longer held responsible for the offense.
مورد عفو قرار گرفتن، به این معنی است که مجازات جرم کسی کاملاً بخشیده می شود. افراد مورد عفو قرار می گیرند و دیگر مسئول آن جرم نیستند.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

“The governor pardoned the prisoner, citing new evidence that proved their innocence. ”
In a legal context, it might be stated, “The judge has the power to pardon a convicted individual. ”
A person discussing the justice system might argue, “Pardoning someone can be a controversial decision, as it raises questions about accountability and fairness. ”

بخشیده شده، آمرزیده
