
بررسی کلمه

اسم ( noun )
• : تعریف: combined form of dependence.

پیشنهاد کاربران

( also overdependence )
( also over - dependency, overdependency )
"Over - dependence" refers to a situation where someone relies excessively or too heavily on something or someone for support, guidance, or assistance. This can lead to a lack of independence, self - reliance, and the inability to function effectively without external help.
[مشاهده متن کامل]

"وابستگی بیش از حد" به وضعیتی اشاره دارد که در آن شخصی به حمایت، راهنمایی یا کمک چیزی یا شخصی بیش از حد متکی است. این می تواند منجر به عدم استقلال، اتکا به خود و ناتوانی در عملکرد مؤثر بدون کمک خارجی شود.
Her over - dependence on her parents for financial support prevented her from developing financial independence.
The team's over - dependence on one key player became a liability when that player was injured.
His over - dependence on his smartphone for information has made him less capable of critical thinking and problem - solving.

منابع• https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/over-dependence
بیش وابستگی
وابستگی بیش از حد
